
Look at the key starting points:

Pro version additional features

Block selected admin menu items on per role base (more details…)
Show front end menu item for everyone, logged-in users, logged-in users with selected role(s), not logged-in visitors only (more details…)
Block selected navigation menus from editing for selected role (more details…)
Block selected widgets under “Appearance” menu on per role base (more details…)
Block access to metaboxes for the selected role (more details…)
Block access to the other roles for the selected role (more details…)
Per plugin access for users with “activate_plugins” capability (more info…);
Export and Import user roles
Multi-site: One point roles management for all sites at Network Admin (more info…)
Multi-site: Restrict access of single sites administrators to the selected user capabilities and Add/Delete role operations inside User Role Editor (more info…)
Multi-site: Superadmin can setup individual lists of themes available for activation to selected single sites administrators (more info…)
Content edit access restriction features:

  • Force all custom posts types to use its own custom capabilities set instead of usage of one built on the base of the ‘post’, e.g. ‘edit_videos’ instead of ‘edit_posts’.
  • Activate “Create” capability for posts/pages/custom post types. For example, without a ‘create_post’ capability user will be allowed just edit the existing posts.
  • Users access restriction for editing selected posts and pages only, by post/page ID or/and author user ID (more info…);
  • Users access restriction to Gravity Forms by forms ID list (more info…);
Content view access restriction for selected roles and with short_codes (more info…)
Manage what widgets are shown for what role (more info…).
Admin pages permissions viewer shows at the bottom of every admin backend (wp-admin) page the user capabilities list checked by this page and plugins hooked to it (more details…).