WooCommerce built-in role “Shop Manager” (shop_manager) by default can see the list of users and edit/delete users with ‘Customer’ role. What if you wish that shop manager can only see the list of users, but can not edit/delete them?

Direct step is open ‘shop_manager’ role in User Role Editor and revoke ‘edit_users’ and ‘delete_users’ capabilities from it. But you will see that this role has the only ‘list_users’ capability in the “Users” group:
What’s the mess? How such role can edit users with ‘Customer’ role? WooCommerce adds to shop_manager permissions to edit users the fly (got from the woocommerce/includes/wc-user-functions.php, version 6.4.1):

Really shop_manager can edit only users with ‘customer’ role. WooCommerce manage this using this code:

As you can see from lines 505 and 543 WooCommerce allows to change this via woocommerce_shop_manager_editable_roles
filter. So returning to our prime purpose – prohibit to Shop Manager edit users, we can use this code:
add_filter('woocommerce_shop_manager_editable_roles', 'shop_manager_read_only', 10, 1);
function shop_manager_read_only( $roles ) {
return array();
Just place it to the end of the active theme functions.php file or put on the site as a Must Use plugin. Shop Manager will can not edit users with customer role as a result.