User Role Editor Pro version 4.48

User Role Editor Pro version 4.48 was published at September 25th, 2018.

Changes Log

Core version: 4.46

  • Update: Edit posts/pages restrictions add-on: non-public taxonomies are not included into restricted database queries. URE will build now much shorter database queries for the sites which have a lot of such taxonomies at the database. For example sites with WP SEO Premium plugin, where ‘yst_prominent_words’ taxonomy may count thousands records at wp_terms and wp_term_taxonomy db tables.
  • Update: Content view restrictions add-on: “Content View Restrictions” meta box markup was changed at post/page editor for better compatibility with Gutenberg. It will work as a usual meta box, located under main editor area.
  • Update: Widgets admin access add-on: ure_widgets_edit_access_user custom filter was added. It allows to set final list of widgets blocked for editing by current user.
  • Fix: Admin menu blocking add-on: URL processing were enhanced for the links with ‘customize.php’ inside, like “Appearance->Header” or “Appearance->Background”. Those links did not work (redirection to dashboard took place) in case of the restricted admin menu.
  • Fix: wp-admin pages permissions viewer add-on:
    – typo at word ‘pemissions’ was corrected at the “Settings->User Role Editor->Additional modules” tab.
    – source code .php file reading file(…) call was wrapped by ‘try …catch’ to exclude PHP warning generation in case of a problem with access to a source code file.
  • Core version was updated to 4.46:
  • Update: “Users” page, “Without role” button: underlying SQL queries were replaced with more robust versions (about 10 times faster).
    It is critical for sites with large quant of users.New query does not take into account though some cases with incorrect users data (usually imported from the external sources). It’s possible to use older (comprehensive but slower) query version defining a PHP constant: “define(‘URE_COUNT_USERS_WITHOUT_ROLE_THOROUGHLY’, true);” or return false from a custom ‘ure_count_users_without_role_quick’ filter.
  • Update: Error checking was enhanced after default role change for the WordPress multisite subsite.
  • Update: URE settings page template: HTML helper checked() is used where applicable.
  • Fix: 2 spelling mistakes were fixed in the text labels.
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