User Role Editor Pro version 4.50.1

User Role Editor Pro version 4.50.1 was published at March 4rth, 2019. It’s the bugs fix release. It’s strongly recommended to update version 4.50 up to version 4.50.1 in order to exclude the bugs listed below.

Changes list

Core version: 4.50

  • Fix: Role import: Input data control was added to exclude PHP warnings, like “PHP Warning: array_walk_recursive() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given”. Error message was replaced with “Role file is broken or has invalid format”.
  • Fix: Front-end menu access add-on: Bug prevented this add-on normal loading.
  • Fix: Other roles access add-on: PHP fatal error was fixed: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method URE_Lib_Pro::set_notification() in /wp-content/plugins/user-role-editor-pro/pro/includes/classes/other-roles-access.php:109