User Role Editor Pro version 4.23

User Role Editor Pro version 4.23 was published at February, 7th, 2016.

Changes List

  • Core version: 4.23.3
  • Update: Call of deprecated mysql_server_info() is replaced with $wpdb->db_version().
  • Update: Singleton pattern is applied to the URE_Lib class.
  • Update: Code executed once after plugin activation is executed by the next request to WP and may use a WordPress action to fire with a needed priority.
  • Update: Unused ‘add_users’ capability was removed from the list of core capabilities as it was removed from WordPress starting from version 4.4
  • Fix: “Users – Without Role” button showed empty roles drop down list on the 1st call.
  • Fix: ure-users.js was loaded not only to the ‘Users’ page.
  • New: Full support for bbPress user capabilities and roles was added.
  • New: Edit posts restrictions add-on: Rules are applied automatically to the child pages of the allowed/blocked page.
    Use ‘ure_auto_access_child_pages’ filter if you wish to exclude the child pages from the edit restriction rules.
    It should be used as a ‘must-use’ plugin, because of this filter is applied earlier then theme is loaded.
    It seems that it’s too late to insert it into the theme’s functions.php file.
  • Update: Content view restrictions are applied now to the front-end only. Use edit restrictions add-on to manage posts/pages visibility at WordPress back-end.
  • Update: data update notice is shown now for all add-ons.
  • Update: get_all_category_ids() function call deprecated from WordPress version 4.0 is replaced by call of get_terms() function.
  • Fix: Edit posts restrictions add-on:
    1) Blocked categories are not available now for selection at the new created post and at the posts list filter by category drop-down list.
    2) Earlier you can not save new post with category assigned from the allowed categories list with error: You are not allowed to edit this post.
    New post is created now with 1st category (from the allowed list) automatically assigned.
    3) Data (saved at user level) have been deleted in case user attributes was updated not from WordPress back-end user profile page, but by directly, via WordPress API.
    4) Posts filters and counters were enhanced for the case when user does not have posts available for editing.
  • Fix: Admin menu access add-on: in some cases click on allowed(shown) menu item showed “Not enough permissions” error message.
    Important: make database backup before installing this version. Admin menu access data is converted after plugin activation to the new format.
    Data conversion from version older than 4.15 is not supported. If you have URE Pro version older than 4.15 install and activate URE version 4.21.1 first,
    then proceed with version 4.22 and later.
  • Fix: ‘ure_restrict_content_view_for_authors_and_editors’ filter blocked saving content view restrictions data at a post level.
  • Fix: Network Admin – Users – Capabilities – ‘Update Network’ button did not work.
  • Fix: ‘Update Network’ did not replicate ‘Widgets’ access add-on data if selected.
  • Update: some HTML-code extracted from User_Role_Editor_Pro class to URE_Pro_View class.
  • Update: It’s possible now to manage access to ‘Metaboxes’ for roles without ‘edit_posts’ capability.