User Role Editor Pro version 4.19

User Role Editor Pro version 4.19 is available for download and automatic updates. Login to your member account and go to the Download page. List of changes applied follows below.

Version 4.19 changes list

  • It is possible to assign to the user multiple roles directly through a user profile edit page.
  • Custom SQL-query (checked if the role is in use and slow on the huge data) was excluded and replaced with WordPress built-in function call. [Thanks to Aaron](
  • Bulk role assignment to the users without role was rewritten for cases with a huge quant of users. It processes just 50 users without role for the one request to return the answer from the server in the short time.
  • Admin menu access add-on:
    1) ‘block not selected’ access model was added to the default ‘block selected’ one. It is more convenient in cases when you wish to block automatically all new added menu items.
    2) use top checkbox control to select/unselect all checkboxes. Click on it with ‘Shift’ key inverts current selection.
  • Other roles access add-on:
    1) ‘block not selected’ access model was added to the default ‘block selected’ one. It is more convenient in cases when you wish to block automatically all new added roles.
    2) use top checkbox control to select/unselect all checkboxes. Click on it with ‘Shift’ key inverts current selection.
  • Widgets access add-on: It is possible to set restrictions to the main site widgets at the Network Admin and replicate them to the whole network.
  • Other roles access add-on:
    1) ‘block not selected’ access model was added to the default ‘block selected’ one. It is more convenient in cases when you wish to block automatically all new added roles.
    2) use top checkbox control to select/unselect all checkboxes. Click on it with ‘Shift’ key inverts current selection.
  • Content view restrictions add-on:
    1) It is possible to set what categories (tags/custom taxonomies) are allowed/prohibited to view for the selected role.
    2) It is possible to select between HTTP 404 error or custom error message for the access error case.
    3) Fixed to work for the custom post types with own user capabilities set.
    5) “No role for this site” item is available in the roles list at the post level.
    6) Restriction is not applied to the post by default if logged in user can edit it. It is possible to change this rule
    using filter ‘ure_restrict_content_view_for_authors_and_editors’. It takes and returns 1 boolean parameter: false – do not restrict, true – restrict.
    7) Enhanced compatibility with the Events Manager plugin ( ).
    8) Fixed bug which did not allow to open roles list for a new (not saved) post.
    9) It is possible to retrieve post view access restrictions data for the post ID from other plugins,
    for example do not sent new post notification to the users, who don’t have access to view it.
    Function ure_get_post_view_access_users() returns the object with properties:
    1) restriction: string: prohibited/allowed;
    2) roles – array of roles, for which this restriction is applied;
    3) users: array of user ID, which have those roles.
  • Edit posts/pages restrictions add-on:
    1) Bug fix: when user with posts/pages edit restrictions may access restricted posts/pages directly by post ID and got ‘Edit’ URL for the restricted post at the front-end.
    2) If you set ‘edit posts/pages with author user ID’ restriction, it is applied to ALL post types. That is if author does not have any posts at some post type, user will see the empty list of posts at that type.
    If you set ‘edit posts/pages/custom post types with ID’ only then restrictions are applied only to the post types to which posts belongs.
    3) It is possible now to set edit restrictions for the user by category/taxonomy ID.
    4) Pages filtering enhanced for compatibility with other plugins, respecting “get_pages” filter (like “CMS Tree Page View” one).
    5) User with post/pages edit restrictions applied can see own unattached media library items in additions to the allowed posts attachments.
    6) If posts/pages restrictions were not set for the user, full list of media library items is available.
    7) Filter ure_attachments_show_full_list allows to show full Media Library items list to the user with editing restrictions set.
    8) Filter ure_posts_show_full_list allows to show full posts/pages/custom posts types list to the user with editing restrictions set.