User Role Editor Pro version 3.14.1

After thorough testing of the free version available via User Role Editor Pro version 3.14.1 is available for download. If you registered member of with active subscription plan you are welcome to download the latest version of User Role Editor Pro.

What’s new in the 3.14 version, including the bug fix 3.14.1?

  • Interface update: role/capability add/remove stuff was removed from the page. Plugin has toolbar at the right side now. Click on the button opens needed dialog window.
  • New role may have different attributes “ID” and “Name”. While ID is still restricted by latin characters hyphen, underscore and digits only, Name could contain spaces and national languages characters.
  • General code cleanup and security enhancements: all data changes request are processed via POST instead of GET now. So its more difficult to send modified malicious request without special software. Presence of special nonce field is checked for all requests.
  • Setting up the ‘administrator’ role as default one for new registered users is prohibited at server side.
  • JavaScript code separated from PHP one whenever it’s possible.
  • User capabilities page: roles checkboxes are excluded from ‘Select All’, ‘Unselect All’, ‘Inverse’ operations. Only capabilities checkboxes are processed.

For this moment Pro version differs from the free one by just one item – it is absolutely free from the advertisement. Even ‘Donate’ link is removed. Functionality of Pro version will be extended in the nearest future.
What is going on? I work intensively on the old code refactoring. The main purpose is general code optimization and improvement. I wish to fully exclude usage of global variable except of WordPress global object as wpdb, etc. As I finish this stage I will start publishing new functionality modules, plan for which is declared on the Home page.
