Older Changes


* 19.01.2014
* New tab “Default Roles” was added to the User Role Editor settings page. It is possible to select multiple default roles to assign them automatically to the new registered user.
* CSS and dialog windows layout various enhancements
* ‘members_get_capabilities’ filter was applied to provide better compatibility with themes and plugins which may use it to add its own user capabilities.
* Option was added to download jQuery UI CSS from the jQuery CDN.
* Bug was fixed: Plugins activation assess restriction section was not shown for selected user under multi-site environment.


* 10.12.2013
* Role ID validation rule was added to prohibit numeric role ID – WordPress does not support them.
* HTML markup was updated to provide compatibility with upcoming WordPress 3.8 new administrator backend theme MP6
* It is possible to manage access of single sites administrators to the selected user capabilities and Add/Delete role operations inside User Role Editor.
* Shortcode [user_role_editor roles=”none”]text for not logged in users[/user_role_editor] is available.
* Other shortcode enclosed inside “user_role_editor” shortcode are processed recursively.
* Gravity Forms available at “Export Entries”, “Export Forms” pages is under URE access restriction now, if such one was set for the user.
* Gravity Forms import could be set under “gravityforms_import” user capability control
* Option was added to show/hide help links (question signs) near the capabilities from single site administrators.
* Plugin “Options” page was divided into sections (tabs): General, Multisite, About.
* Author’s information box was removed from URE plugin page.
* Restore previous blog ‘switch_to_blog($old_blog_id)’ call was replaced to ‘restore_current_blog()’ where it is possible to provide better compatibility with WordPress API.
After use ‘switch_to_blog()’ in cycle, URE clears ‘_wp_switched_stack’ global variable directly instead of call ‘restore_current_blog()’ inside the cycle to work faster.


* 04.11.2013
* “Delete Role” menu has “Delete All Unused Roles” menu item now.
* More detailed warning was added before fulfill “Reset” roles command in order to reduce accident use of this critical operation.
* Bug was fixed at Ure_Lib::reset_user_roles() method. Method did not work correctly for the rest sites of the network except the main blog.
* Pro version: Post/Pages editing restriction could be setup for the user by one of two modes: ‘Allow’ or ‘Prohibit’.
* Pro version: Shortcode [user_role_editor roles=”role1, role2, …”]bla-bla[/user_role_editor] for posts and pages was added.
You may restrict access to content inside this shortcode tags this way to the users only who have one of the roles noted at the “roles” attribute.
* Pro version: If license key was installed it is shown as asterisks at the input field.
* Pro version: In case site domain change you should input license key at the Settings page again.

* 27.10.2013
* Pro version: Bug fix: Invalid notice “Unknown error: Roles import was failed” was shown after successful roles import to the single WordPress site.
* Pro version: Update: Spaces in user capability are allowed for import to provide compatibility with other plugins, which use spaces in user capabilities, e.g. NextGen Gallery’s “NextGEN Change options”, etc.

* 26.10.2013
* Pro version: Bug fix: PHP error prevented to view Gravity Forms entries and WooCommerce coupons after turning on the “Activate user access management to editing selected posts and pages” option.


* 23.10.2013
* Pro version: Content editing restriction: It is possible to differentiate permissions for posts/pages creation and editing. Use the “Activate “Create Post/Page” capability” option for that.
* Pro version: Content editing restriction: Restrict user to edit just selected posts and pages. Use the “Activate user access management to editing selected posts and pages” option for that.
* Pro version: Multi-site: Assign roles and capabilities to the users from one point at the Network Admin. Add user with his permissions together to all sites of your network with one click.
* Pro version: Multi-site: unfiltered_html capability marked as deprecated one. Read this post for more information (http://shinephp.com/is-unfiltered_html-capability-deprecated/).
* Multi-site: ‘manage_network%’ capabilities were included into WordPress core capabilities list.
* On screen help was added to the “User Role Editor Options” page – click “Help” at the top right corner to read it.
* Pro version: ‘wp-content/uploads’ folder is used now instead of plugin’s own one to process file with importing roles data.
* Pro version: Bug fix: Nonexistent method was called to notify user about folder write permission error during roles import.
* Bug fix: turning off capability at the Administrator role fully removed that capability from capabilities list.
* Various internal code enhancements.
* Information about GPLv2 license was added to show apparently – “User Role Editor” and “User Role Editor Pro” are licensed under GPLv2 or later.


* 26.09.2013
* User capabilities editor updated to support capabilities beyond the user roles. Capabilities added by other plugins directly to the users, or deleted from the user roles are available now inside User Role Editor.
* Bug fixed – custom capabilities was not shown in User capabilities editor in some cases.
* Opening php tag shortcut ‘<?’ found and replaced with full variant ‘<?php’ at “class-export-import.php” file to exclude syntax error on some installations.
* Confirm compatibility of per form access restriction feature with Gravity Forms version 1.7.9.
* Spanish translation was added for the free version. Thanks to Dario Ferrer.


* 29.08.2013
* Bug with multi-site super-admin access to the User Role Editor is fixed. Version 4.5. showed message “Insufficient permissions to work with User Role Editor” until add “manage_network_users” capability to the “Administrator” role. It is enough now to be the “Superadmin” at multi-site network.


* 29.08.2013
* Direct checking of the “administrator” role is removed from the code to support ability to change User Role Editor access key capability.
URE uses by default the “administrator” role for single site as the key capability to permit access to the User Role Editor.
You may change this capability manually by replacing value of URE_KEY_CAPABILITY constant at includes/define_constants.php file. Pro version
starting from 4.5 allows to change this key capability name (input your own, custom one) via User Role Editor settings page.
* The Hebrew translation is added. Thanks to atar4u.
* Ability to restrict access of different administrators to plugins activation/deactivation on the per plugin base is realized.
Go to the user profile (user should have ‘activate_plugins’ capability) and select plugins to which you allow access for this user.
* Pro version: Gravity forms access restriction was re-factored and does not use JavaScript – it works on the SQL queries level now.
In order apply form access restriction to the user it is enough that the user has any capability from the Gravity Forms capabilities list.

4.4.1 Pro

* 16.08.2013
* Bug is fixed – user could not edit form fields after forms access restriction activation.


* 15.08.2013
* Pro version only: Users of “Gravity Forms” plugin may restrict users access to the Forms on per form basis. Activate this option at URE Settings page and input at user’s profile the list of Gravity Forms IDs, to which you allow access for this user. User should have at least ‘gravityforms_edit_forms’ capability in order you see GF access control option at his profile.
* Pro version: User Role Editor license key is not shown now on the Setting page. User sees just word “Installed” after he saved it.
* Bug fixed which prevented creation of current roles backup record during User Role Editor plugin installation and produced unexpected output (PHP notices).


* 12.08.2013
* Pro version only: “User Role Editor” is available under the “Users” submenu of “Network Admin” for multisite installation.
It provides the central point for users roles management of the whole network. Your changes are applied to the main site by default.
The click on “Network Update” button replicates roles from the main site to the whole network at once.
* Multisite update: roles from the main (1st) blog are copied to the new added blog automatically,
even new site is added from front-end after new user registration, e.g. Gravity Forms “Register User” addon does. Earlier this feature worked
for administrator back-end operations only.
* Bug prevented to apply role changes to all sites of the network is fixed. In case when one of the sites have exactly the same roles as applied from the main site, MySQL returned 0 rows affected. URE recognized that as error and stopped further network updated. It is fixed now.
* Bug prevented to save empty (without capabilities) role is fixed.
* User interface bug with options ‘Show capabilities in human readable form’ and ‘Show deprecated capabilities’ fixed.
Now this checkboxes work this way: It takes global values from the User Role Editor Settings 1st. If you change it at Roles/User editor form plugin,
it remembers your change temporally for 10 minutes. After that this value will be returned to the URE global settings.
If you wish to make permanent change make it at URE settings page.


* 02.08.2013
* Separate setting page is added for User Role Editor under Settings menu. It is available under Network Center “Settings” for the multi-site.
* Option ‘show Administrator role in the User Role Editor’ was added.
* User with super-admin privilege only may create, edit, delete users by default under multi-site configuration. Use new “Allow create, edit and delete user to not super-administrators” option to workaround this obstacle. Such user still should have correspondent user capabilities as “create_users”, “edit_users”, “delete_users”.
Thanks to Sjobidoo for suggested decision.
* PHP fatal error caused by typo in the ‘uninstall.php’ file is fixed.
* Miscellaneous code enhancements.


* 15.07.2013
* Issue when “users with “Editor” credentials were no longer able to change the author name in the drop down on each post to someone with administrative credentials” is fixed.
* Limitation when user with ‘Administrator’ role could not edit/delete other users with ‘Administrator’ role is removed.
* “Apply to All sites” checkbox is excluded from “Select All” operation.
* Quick filter is added to the user’s capabilities edit form. Capabilities selection buttons work is fixed after that.
* Pro version could be updated directly from WordPress now, exactly the same way as you do that with any other WordPress plugin. You need to insert plugin license key at User Role Editor Settings page for that.


* 03.07.2013
* Quick Filter is added. Type part of any capability. All capabilities containing that word, e.g. ‘edit’ or ‘users’ will be highlighted by green color.
While ‘quick filter’ is in action ‘Select All’, ‘Unselect All’, ‘Inverse’ buttons work with highlighted capabilities sub-set only.
Read this post for more information:
* Class property and method access modifiers fatal errors were fixed (wordpress.org/support/topic/fatalerror-1).


* 30.06.2013
* Pro version only: added ‘Export/Import’ functionality to ‘export’ all user roles to the local file and ‘import’ them then to other WordPress blog or other sites of muliti-site WordPress network.
* Added integration with the Gravity Forms plugin. User Role Editor shows Gravity Forms user capabilities at the custom capabilities section.
* Code is fully restructured and encapsulated to PHP classes. Internal global variables are not used anymore.