Change WordPress user roles and capabilities Forums Give user access to plugin – how to What are the capabilities for si-contact-form plugin

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    Hi, I activated, but when I went to Users > User Role Editor > [pick a role], I could not find any capabilities related to this new plugin. Do you know what they are so that I can add them via “Add Capability” button? Thank you!


    Hi, this plugin does not introduce its own capabilities. It uses built-in WordPress manage_options user capability for its menu item:

    You may find user capability for any admin menu item with a help of “Admin access add-on”:
    Just open it for the Administrator role and find needed menu item in the list.


    Hi Vladimir, I’ve been doing as you suggested above, but all of a sudden (not sure if it is the result of the upgrade to 4.23.2 and I would have to roll back to find out, but I cannot roll back), manage_options causes Event Manage plugin Events > Settings to appear and I am not able to block this Settings with Admin Menu Access module. Please advise. A hack to either your plugin or the contact form plugin will be ok if there is no other option. I’m not familiar with wordpress development, so I would not know where to hack. Thank you.


    Hi, please note that while I do use Admin Menu Access module to block Settings (when I use manage_options), I cannot block Events > Settings, which is outside of Settings. If I can block Events > Settings, that is an option too. The ideal option is to have own capability for the contact form plugin, so I don’t need to enable the dangerous manage_options and then have to use Admin Menu Access to disable things.


    Hi again, I am now able to prevent Events Manager plugin’s Events > Settings from appearing when manage_options is selected, but changing its code as follow (changed manage_options to update_plugins). However, I’m suspecting that there is a bug in the Admin Menu Access module that is preventing me to block Dashboard > Events > Settings when manage_options is selected . Note that I can block Dashboard > Settings. Could you please let me know if this is a bug?

    diff plugins/events-manager/admin/em-admin.php plugins/events-manager/admin/em-admin.php.ORIG
    < $plugin_pages[‘options’] = add_submenu_page(‘edit.php?post_type=’.EM_POST_TYPE_EVENT, __(‘Events Manager Settings’,’events-manager’),__(‘Settings’,’events-manager’), ‘update_plugins’, “events-manager-options”, ’em_admin_options_page’);
    < $plugin_pages[‘help’] = add_submenu_page(‘edit.php?post_type=’.EM_POST_TYPE_EVENT, __(‘Getting Help for Events Manager’,’events-manager’),__(‘Help’,’events-manager’), ‘update_plugins’, “events-manager-help”, ’em_admin_help_page’);

    > $plugin_pages[‘options’] = add_submenu_page(‘edit.php?post_type=’.EM_POST_TYPE_EVENT, __(‘Events Manager Settings’,’events-manager’),__(‘Settings’,’events-manager’), ‘manage_options’, “events-manager-options”, ’em_admin_options_page’);
    > $plugin_pages[‘help’] = add_submenu_page(‘edit.php?post_type=’.EM_POST_TYPE_EVENT, __(‘Getting Help for Events Manager’,’events-manager’),__(‘Help’,’events-manager’), ‘manage_options’, “events-manager-help”, ’em_admin_help_page’);



    I confirm the bug at version 4.23.2 ‘Admin Menu Access’ module. It removes blocked menu item with additional parameters, like ‘Events-Settings’


    but allows access it via direct URL.
    This bug will be fixed by upcoming version 4.23.3 (this week).


    Thank you!


    Hi Vladimir, I upgraded to 4.24.3, but I still cannot block Events-Settings. The only different between version 4.23.2 and 4.24.3 that I noticed is that manage_options’s Admin Menu now has Settings > Shibboleth in 4.24.3, but does not have this in 4.23.2. I have Shibboleth installed when in both 4.23.2 and 4.24.3. Shibboleth was not a problem though since I blocked the entire Settings. However, Events-Settings is a problem. Could you please check? Thanks!



    I checked with the latest 4.24.4 with these results:
    1) Blocked “Events->Settings” menu item is removed from the admin menu as expected;
    2) edit.php?post_type=event&page=events-manager-options#general URL direct access is blocked when you use “Block Selected” model
    3) edit.php?post_type=event&page=events-manager-options#general direct access is not blocked when you use “Block not selected” model. So you can not use “block not selected” model with this plugin. With this model I block only links which belongs to main menu, not selected, and not located inside allowed pages. As you can see ‘edit.php?post_type=event’ is allowed in this case.
    I see that this logic may be enhanced. I will work in this direction. But current version work this way.


    Hi Vladimir, I’m totally lost about “Block Selected” model and “Block not selected” model. Where do I go to do “Block Selected” or “Block not selected”?



    You may select what to block at the top of “Admin Menu” window at “Users->User Role Editor”:
    block selected model


    I see. I always use “Block Selected” model, but I’m not using the default “author” role. I created my own role and added “manage_options” capability and was trying to block all in Events > Settings:


    So what you’re explaining is not working for my own role with added “manage_options” capability. It’s ok, I will hack the code for Events Manager instead.


    Thanks for the information.

    I created a copy of author role, added ‘manage_options’ capability. Marked ‘Events->Settings’ as blocked. I do not see this menu item. I can not access it via direct URLs (tried all from your list).
    It’s strange that we get the different results. The recent test was done with version 4.24.5.

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