Change WordPress user roles and capabilities Forums Bug Reports Show Plugins/Themes and Admin Menu Access Issues

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  • #5211

    When you open Users->User Role Editor under the network admin it is opened for the main site. All roles and other data is related to the main site there.
    You will never see “Tools->Delete site” menu item for the main site, as it’s not possible to delete main site. This menu item is for the subsites only. Thus you can not block it via main site admin menu.

    Interesting, that if you open URE’s “Admin menu” dialog from the main site, not from the network admin, you will see “Mailgun” menus under the “Settings” menu. It may be related to a way, how plugin registers its menu, I suppose.

    You need to know that when you modify role or available add-ons permissions via network admin, you make this for the main site only. You need to click “Update Network” button to replicate your settings from the main site to all other subsites. Unfortunately, this will not work for the “Tools->Delete site” menu item. It requires manual blocking for every subsite.

    From other side, any settings you manually made for subsites are untouched until you don’t click “Update Network” from the network admin.


    Ok for the Delete site I wrote a redirect function that closes off the delete site from being accessed.

    For anyone who may be interested here it is below.

     function admin_redirects() {
         global $pagenow;
      if( ! is_super_admin() ) {
         /* Redirect Customizer to Theme options */
         if($pagenow == 'ms-delete-site.php'){
     add_action('admin_init', 'admin_redirects');

    You could also use user can instead of the if is super admin as I have above to better control the user capabilities to this function. In my case I want it closed off a bit more.

    The Mailgun settings are a Clientside issue. I left Clientside enabled but Deactivated the Admin Menu Tool where you can restrict the users ability to see the menu items and or change menu item names and the mailgun options showed up via network. This same feature is also the reason the permissions get changed. Clientside when that one feature is deactivated provides proper mission. I let the developer know.

    Lastly the reason the Page Builder menu link would not hide is also because of the admin menu feature of clientside do to having changed the names appearance. Once removing the name change everything hid as it should for the page builder.

    I very much appreciate all of the help on this as it has helped me uncover the issues that were actually causing the problem.

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