Change WordPress user roles and capabilities Forums Restrict or Permit access inside WordPress – how to Restrict edit access to certain posts, but not that posts children.

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  • #5825
    [email protected]


    I have a question about restricting editing access to pages. I have pages for which I want to disallow editing access for editors, but I still want editors to be able to edit all of the children of that page.

    When I use the “Post edit” button on the URE configuratoin page (/wp-admin/users.php?page=users-user-role-editor-pro.php), select “prohibit” and then put a page ID id in the “with post ID (comma separated)” text box, it successfully blocks editing access for the post ID input, but it also blocks editing access for all of that post’s children. Is there a way to not have children blocked as well?

    Thanks for creating an awesome plugin – I find it very valuable.

    Thank you!



    Thanks for the good feedback.
    You can use the ure_auto_access_child_pages custom filter to exclude automatic adding off child pages to the list of restricted pages.

    [email protected]

    Thanks, Vladimir. That did the trick.


    Hi I have done as you said, but the Addon is not showing a particular submenu !!

    Not able to see the submenu in the user role editor addon.
    http ://

    So when the user access the dashboard – the profile and the submenu are visible.
    http ://

    Can you pls help me solve this


    Hi @zatakk,

    Go to Users, find problematic user line and click ‘Capabilities’ link under it. Check if ‘edit_shop_orders’ capability is not assigned to a user directly, not via role. Revoke ‘edit_shop_orders’ from this user then.

    “Admin menu” shows admin menu items for a role accordingly to the list of capabilities granted to that role. This is a reason why ‘Orders’ menu item is not shown for a role.

    P.S. This topic is about another problem. It’s better to start your own topic for another question in a future.



    I didnt find any other capabilities to this user ‘order manager’ from User=>Capabilities

    However if I revoke edit_shop_orders I cant even see the dashboard. Pls help. This is happeneing for some other roles also => unnecessary menu items are not even visible in user role editor capability updater.

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