Change WordPress user roles and capabilities Forums How to or FAQ Profile Page not accessible for Author Group

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  • Author
  • #8181


    i want to grant the User Group “Authors” access to the “Profile Page” where the 2FA settings are going to be display of this Plugin:


    What I have done for the Authors Group:

    – Selected “Manage options”
    – Verified that in “Admin menu” the following options are NOT blocked: Profile,Your Profile

    However the author user still gets no permission to the profile page by clicking on “profile” on the sidebar in the WordPress backend.

    Please help me out!

    Thanks in advance!



    Hi Tobias,

    Profile menu item is available even to a user with ‘subscriber’ role, which has only ‘read’ capability. If this menu item is not available for your users, some plugin blocks it.
    You may try deactivate them all, test, then activate plugins back one by one with new testing to isolate a reason.

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