Change WordPress user roles and capabilities Forums Bug Reports Plugin conflict : stripe and price grid.

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  • #7132

    Hello Vladimir,
    After an issue with two plugins, I deactivate all my plugins and theme and I discover User Role Editor has a conflict with a Stripe gateway and a price grid plugin form the same developper.

    I wrote to the plugins developper and they kindly sent me this solution below :

    “Indeed, access to some pages of the plugin is limited to admin and editor default roles. However, I believe you can let any user role to access products by giving them manage_options capability via User Role Editor plugin.”

    The problem is I don’t know how to achieve this…
    And I ‘m not sure it’s a real solution… Seems to be more deep !

    I think your help is welcome !


    Hi Olivia,

    Look at the “Admin menu access” add-on, included into User Role Editor Pro.
    Use it to find what capabilities protects admin menu items created by ‘Stripe gateway’ and a ‘price grid’ plugins. Open ‘Admin menu’ for administrator role and look.
    If they are protected by ‘manage_options’ you can grant ‘manage_options’ to selected role and then block ‘Settings’ and other unneeded menu items which will become available for this role using “Admin menu” button. The article above includes the link to the similar example.


    Thank You Vladimir for your link.

    it works !


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