Change WordPress user roles and capabilities Forums How to or FAQ Modern Events Calendar (Webnus) – restrict editing to custom taxonomy

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  • #8278

    I have set up a role that manages and edits events and bookings using Webnus’ Modern Events Calendar Pro (not to be confused with The Events Calendar).

    1. The user role successfully has access to the backend dashboard to see the menu items: Events, Bookings (renamed to Registrations).
    2. The plugin settings for “Content editing restrictions” are all checked.
    3. User Role Editor > Dept Event Manager > Posts Edit: Allow Events (mec-events), with category/taxonomy ID (comma separated) 165.

    Problem: The user can view and edit ALL events and ALL bookings (registrations).

    Need: The “Dept Event Manager” views and edits its own events/bookings for the department according to the custom taxonomy for the event category (mec_category?).

    What do I need to change?

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