Change WordPress user roles and capabilities Forums Restrict or Permit access inside WordPress – how to How can i hide Other Roles dropdown menu from user editor, Grant Role button…

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  • #4681
    Fotini Kokkinos

    I searched this forum and I found the following function but it doesn’t work for me:
    add_filter(‘ure_show_additional_capabilities_section’, ‘ure_show_additional_capabilities_section’);
    add_filter(‘ure_bulk_grant_roles’, ‘ure_show_additional_capabilities_section’);

    function ure_show_additional_capabilities_section($show) {
    if (current_user_can(‘user-manager’)) {
    $show = false;

    return $show;
    I want to hide the Other Roles dropdown menu from user editor for specific Roles.

    Additionally I want to hide the “Grant Role” button for specific roles, but I didn’t find any relative thread in this forum that is applicable to my case.

    Finally, I want to hide the “View” action from the Users list because I have completely ristricted any Frontend view for all the users of all the roles.

    Your help is really appreciated!


    Hi Fotini,

    Code above works for the user with ‘user-manager’ role only. Replace ‘user-manager’ with your own role ID or check if your user really has ‘user-manager’ role.


    This code hides ‘View’ actions at Users list from all user except user with ‘administrator’ role:

    add_filter('user_row_actions', 'hide_users_view_action', 10, 1);
    function hide_users_view_action($actions) {
        if (current_user_can('administrator')) {
            return $actions;
        if (isset($actions['view'])) {
        return $actions;
    Fotini Kokkinos

    Thank you so much for your code snippets.They worked just fine!

    What about the “Grant Roles” button? How can I hide it too from certain roles?

    Thank again!


    Code, which you showed above, should work for the users with right role. Let me know if you still have difficulties with it after checking a role ID.

    It’s possible to use ‘ure_bulk_grant_roles’ filter. Return false with it to hide “Grant Roles” button. This is a quote from the URE source code:

     $bulk_grant_roles = apply_filters('ure_bulk_grant_roles', true);
     if ($bulk_grant_roles) {
         new URE_Grant_Roles();
    Fotini Kokkinos


    I have the followng code that works fine for hiding the “Other Roles” dropdown field fro the User’s Editor screen. This snippet, doesn’t affect the “Grant Roles” Button.
    //Hide “other roles” from user editor//
    add_filter(‘ure_show_additional_capabilities_section’, ‘ure_show_additional_capabilities_section’);
    add_filter(‘ure_bulk_grant_roles’, ‘ure_show_additional_capabilities_section’);

    function ure_show_additional_capabilities_section($show) {
    if (current_user_can(‘comapny_editor’)) {
    $show = false;

    return $show;

    I tried the new snippet you gave me, with “False” but the button is till there….

    Pls see the screenshot

    Fotini Kokkinos

    Is there any solution finally for hiding the “Grant Roles” button or the whole “Grant Role” feauter for specific user roles?

    or else,

    How can I completely disable this plugin’s feature?

    Pls advice.



    1) Quick workaround. Open user-role-editor-pro/includes/classes/user-role-editor.php and comment line #193
    Code will look like:

            $bulk_grant_roles = apply_filters('ure_bulk_grant_roles', true);
            if ($bulk_grant_roles) {
    //            new URE_Grant_Roles();

    This change will be lost after every update to a new version.

    2) Needs some time and PHP developer experience – find why you can not set false via ‘ure_bulk_grant_roles’ filter.

    Fotini Kokkinos

    T H A N K Y O U!!!
    This one worked!


    Perfect! I’ve added this code and it works great 🙂


    Also I wanted to remove some (but not all) of the roles from the ‘Role’ box on the new user screen. I came across this code:

    // Remove Administrator role from roles list
    add_action( 'editable_roles' , 'hide_adminstrator_editable_roles' );
    function hide_adminstrator_editable_roles( $roles ){
        if ( isset( $roles['administrator'] ) && !current_user_can('level_10') ){
            unset( $roles['administrator'] );
            // add more unset rules here for your user roles
        return $roles;

    Which does the job perfectly if it helps anyone else.

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