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  • #5864

    Hi, i’ve read that in recent wp versions, only administrator can change the privacy policy page text.

    How can via your pro plugin that i own to add edit capabilities to this page for some roles? Or at least for editor.
    best regards,



    Admin menu item “Settings->Privacy” and selected “Privacy” page editing are protected by ‘manage_privacy_options’ user capability.
    ‘manage_privacy_options’ capability is mapped by default to ‘manage_options’ capability.

    So after ‘edit_pages’, ‘edit_published_pages’, ‘edit_others_pages’ WordPress checks ‘manage_privacy_options’ (‘manage_options’ by default) capability for privacy page too:

    * Setting the privacy policy page requires <code>manage_privacy_options</code>,
    * so editing it should require that too.
    if ( (int) get_option( 'wp_page_for_privacy_policy' ) === $post->ID ) {
    	$caps = array_merge( $caps, map_meta_cap( 'manage_privacy_options', $user_id ) );

    URE Pro has a related option at the “Settings->User Role Editor->Additional Modules” tab – ” Privacy related (manage_privacy_options, export_others_personal_data, erase_others_personal_data)”. It’s located under “Use additional capabilities section” at the bottom of the form.
    With this option activated URE maps ‘manage_privacy_options’, ‘export_others_personal_data’, ‘erase_others_personal_data’ capabilities to the ‘manage_privacy_options’, ‘export_others_personal_data’, ‘erase_others_personal_data’ correspondingly instead of default ‘manage_options’.

    But due to some glitch discovered during recent test user with ‘manage_privacy_options’ capability still does not have access to the ‘Settings->Privacy’ menu item. It needs investigation and fix.

    If you does not plan to give access to this menu item for your editor, that’s it. Just select ‘Editor’ role at “Users->User Role Editor” and grant to it
    ‘manage_privacy_options’ capability. It should be enough in order to allow to editor role to edit your pre-selected privacy page.


    Hi, thank you for your reply.
    I dont have such capability, i mean with that name.
    Should i add it with button “add capabiity”?
    this is what i see :
    I have version Version 4.51.1

    best regards,


    Did you turn ON 1st the “Privacy related” checkbox at “Use additional capabilities section” at “Settings->User Role Editor->Additional Modules” tab?


    Hi, thank you for your help, didnt checked this before.

    best regards,

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