Change WordPress user roles and capabilities Forums How to or FAQ What is the best way to update from 4.12 to 4.12.1? Reply To: What is the best way to update from 4.12 to 4.12.1?


Thanks for the information.

– please check, if license code was not missed at the URE Options page. It may be empty – there was an issue in previous versions.

I see the 404 error in my server logs for update information request from rare IP-addresses. The most of such requests including my own work as expected.

If you have URE Pro installed on multiple servers – is this problem occur at all installations?
Let me know the IP-address of the server where automatic update not available. I will check it against my logs.

As the issue is not related to the FAQ section and may be a local problem I offer to proceed this conversation via email – support [at-sign]
