Change WordPress user roles and capabilities Forums Bug Reports Plugin access addon editing doesn't take effect immediately on new users. Reply To: Plugin access addon editing doesn't take effect immediately on new users.


I confirm a problem with add-ons data replication from the main site to the new created one. They were not replicated as automatic replication of add-ons data is switched off by default. You need to set custom filter in order to tell to URE what add-ons data to replicate. Filter is: ure_addons_to_copy_for_new_blog.
In order to replicate “Plugins access” add-on data this line is needed additionally:

$addons['plugins']->copy = true;

2nd possible issue: Current version of URE uses ‘wpmu_new_blog’ action to execute own function for roles data replication. Starting from WordPress 5.1 this action was deprecated and process of new site creation was rewritten.
I developed the fix. It’s currently available as the beta version 4.50.4.b1.