Change WordPress user roles and capabilities › Forums › Restrict or Permit access inside WordPress – how to › How can i hide Other Roles dropdown menu from user editor, Grant Role button… › Reply To: How can i hide Other Roles dropdown menu from user editor, Grant Role button…
19/03/2018 at 13:27
1) Quick workaround. Open user-role-editor-pro/includes/classes/user-role-editor.php and comment line #193
Code will look like:
$bulk_grant_roles = apply_filters('ure_bulk_grant_roles', true);
if ($bulk_grant_roles) {
// new URE_Grant_Roles();
This change will be lost after every update to a new version.
2) Needs some time and PHP developer experience – find why you can not set false via ‘ure_bulk_grant_roles’ filter.