
Use custom ure_other_roles_access filter to dynamically change restrictions set by “Other roles access” add-on for the roles granted to a current user. Filter takes 2 input parameters:
1) $blocked (array) – restrictions for roles granted to current user;
Array contains 2 elements:
‘access_model’: 1 – block selected roles, 2 – block not selected roles;
‘data’: array with list of selected roles, like $blocked[‘data’][0] = ‘author’, etc.

2) $user (WP_User) – current user.

Example below blocks for user with ‘user-manager’ role access to the roles: ‘user-manager’ and ‘users_administrator’.

// Other roles access add-on data for user
add_filter( 'ure_other_roles_access', 'ure_other_roles_access', 10, 2 );

function ure_other_roles_access( $blocked, $user ) {
    if ( !in_array( 'user-manager', $user->roles ) ) {
        return $blocked;
    $blocked['selected'] = 1;
    $blocked['data'][] = 'user-manager';
    $blocked['data'][] = 'users_administrator';
    return $blocked;

// end of ure_other_roles_access()