Change WordPress user roles and capabilities › Forums › How to or FAQ › Event category taxonomy not accessible, need to allow it to be selected › Reply To: Event category taxonomy not accessible, need to allow it to be selected
17/09/2024 at 03:42
Try this filter ‘ure_post_edit_access_restricted_taxonomies’. For example, I excluded post tags from edit restrictions and restricted user can assign tags to the edited post inspite of those IDs, were not included into allowed categories/taxonomies list.
add_filter('ure_post_edit_access_restricted_taxonomies', 'not_restrict_tags', 10, 1);
function not_restrict_tags( $taxonomies ) {
foreach( $taxonomies as $key=>$taxonomy ) {
if ( $taxonomy==='post_tag' ) {
unset( $taxonomies[$key] );
return $taxonomies;