

in wpforms we dont can save any changes in a customer role.
If we klick on save button, the symbol only rotate and rotate.

As an admin, we can save at wpforms anything.

All following roles “area wpforms” are not market in this role at the admin menü:
Alle Formulare manage_options admin.php?page=wpforms-overview
Neues Formular hinzufügen manage_options admin.php?page=wpforms-builder
Einträge manage_options admin.php?page=wpforms-entries
Einstellungen manage_options admin.php?page=wpforms-settings
Werkzeuge manage_options admin.php?page=wpforms-tools
Add-ons manage_options admin.php?page=wpforms-addons
Analysedienste manage_options admin.php?page=wpforms-analytics
SMTP manage_options admin.php?page=wpforms-smtp
Über uns manage_options admin.php?page=wpforms-about
Community manage_options admin.php?page=wpforms-community