Change WordPress user roles and capabilities Forums How to or FAQ Access to all Posts of a specific Custom Post Type and limit other Pages by ID Reply To: Access to all Posts of a specific Custom Post Type and limit other Pages by ID


Also, we already have this filter being used once for a different role/custom post type. How do we add it again, but make sure they run independently? See below.

// URE to allow Scholarship Role access to Scholarship plugin while restricting Pages for user
add_filter('ure_restrict_edit_post_type', 'exclude_posts_from_edit_restrictions', 10, 1);
function exclude_posts_from_edit_restrictions($post_type) {
  $restrict_it =  $post_type;
  $user = wp_get_current_user();
  if ( empty( $user) || !is_array( $user->roles ) ) {
      return $restrict_it;
  if ( in_array( 'scholarships', $user->roles ) ) {  // Role ID
      if ($post_type=='scholarship') {  // CPT ID
        $restrict_it = false;
  return $restrict_it;
// end URE to allow Scholarship Role access