Change WordPress user roles and capabilities Forums Bug Reports Trouble updating "Administrator" role Reply To: Trouble updating "Administrator" role


I tried the change you recommended, but it unfortunately did not solve the problem for me on the root site or at network level.

	jQuery('.ure-cap-cb').each(function () { // go through all capabilities checkboxes
        if ( {
        jQuery(this).prop('checked', response.caps.hasOwnProperty( && response.caps[]);
        if ( ure_data.do_not_revoke_from_admin==1 ) {  
            var el = document.getElementById(;
            if ( 'administrator'===ure_current_role ) {
                el.addEventListener( 'click', ure_turn_it_back );
            } else {
                el.removeEventListener( 'click', ure_turn_it_back );