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‘Hide admin bar’ option for ‘subscriber role:
1) I confirm the bug introduced to User Role Editor with one of the recent updates. When you select other role page view is refreshed via AJAX, but ‘Additional options’ section is not refreshed properly. I will fix this issue with the next update. Thanks for your help with isolating this.
2) There is a conflict with other related plugin: Uncanny Learndash Toolkit (ULT). You activate similar module there “Ocultar barra de administrador”
It overwrites action made by User Role Editor, that is 1st, URE hides top admin bar for the user with subscriber role, but by the 2nd step, ULT shows it again.
Just decide from what plugin you will use this feature and use only one.
Let me make the same recommendation about showing front-end menu items for roles: do not use “Nav menu roles” plugin and URE “Front-end menu access” add-on simultaneously. You will meet with a conflict in other case.