
Hi Jawad,

1) By default WooCommerce allows to duplicate products to the user with ‘manage_woocommerce’ capability. User without this capability does not see the ‘Duplicate’ link. I think that if user should have read-only access to the Products, then ‘manage_woocommerce’ is not required for him. So remove it from his role.
If you need to change this capability to the custom one, you may use 'woocommerce_duplicate_product_capability' filter for that.

2) I do not have any meta boxes except ‘Coupon Data’ with WooCommerce and Rev. Slider only installed. I suppose you have some other active plugin, which adds sections from the screenshot to the Coupon editor page. I need to know what plugin does that.

3) Try to deactivate/activate back user role editor plugin. Open User Role Editor – ‘Admin Menu’ for that role and re-save it.