
Hi Vladimir,

Thanks for the quick fix. I have added this and now Meta Boxes are being hidden properly. I thought this was code to fix the error which is why I mistakenly emailed you the debug code. Hope it may be of use.

Couple of things I’d like to clear up:-

1) On the WooCommerce ‘Products’ page, I am trying to get the products list on this page as read only. So cannot ‘Edit’ or ‘Duplicate’ product. To do this, I am disabling capability, ‘edit_products’. But when I do this, the User loses access to ‘Products’ page, they are no longer able to view it. How can I make ‘Products’ view only.

2) In ‘Admin Menu’, I have disabled access to Product > Attributes. However, if I go to the link directly then this page still loads?

3) On WooCommerce > Coupons > Add Coupon page, there are Meta Box ‘Author’ & ‘Revolution Slider Options’ – but in Meta Boxes Settings page I can only see ‘Coupon Data’ as the only available Meta Box for this page?

Many Thanks,