Biranit Goren

OK… another update 🙂

I was able to confirm that the auto_assign_term function simply doesn’t work — for whatever reason. So I set about creating my own flow to do something similar, and therefore I was able to solve this issue as follows:

1) I registered a custom taxonomy called “ure”;
2) I added a term called “always” to this taxonomy — its term_id is 969
3) I added a function to functions.php that ensures that 969 is added to the list of IDs, if such list exists:

function rgb_add_term_969($user_id) {
	$organizations = get_user_meta($user_id, 'wp_ure_categories_list', true);
	if ($organizations!='' && get_user_meta($user_id, 'wp_ure_posts_restriction_type', true)=='1') {
		$vals = explode(', ', $organizations);
	   	if (!in_array('969', $vals)) {
	   		$organizations = '969, ' . $organizations;
	   		update_user_meta($user_id, 'wp_ure_categories_list', $organizations);
add_action('profile_update', 'rgb_add_term_969', 99);

4) I then added a function that always adds term 969 to a new post:

function rgb_allow_user_posts($post_id, $post, $update) {
	global $pagenow, $wpdb;
	if ($pagenow !=='post-new.php') {   // for new added post only
	$terms_list_str = $this->user->get_categories_list();
	if (empty($terms_list_str)) {
	$restriction_type = $this->user->get_restriction_type();
	if ($restriction_type!=1) {   // allow
	wp_set_object_terms( $post_id, 969, 'ure', false);
add_filter('wp_insert_post', 'rgb_allow_user_posts', 10, 3);

And this now works…

The difference is that you are using wp_set_post_terms — which is very precarious on how it treats IDs — rather than treating them as integers, it appears to sometimes treat them as a string, thus adding a new term whose name is 969 — rather than using the existing term_id 969. Using wp_set_object_terms seemed to help me here.

So now my users are able to add new posts, and they don’t have to set any taxonomy.

Thanks 🙂
